- Poetry: Award David Aracena "
- Narrative Fiction: Award Donald Borsello "
- Historical narrative: Award Eluned Morgan"
I) Participants: writers resident in the provinces of La Pampa, Black River, Neuquén, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego, which shows a current residence of not less than 3 (three) years in any of these provinces. Excluded previous contests winners for both competitions.
II) Work: must be original, without the possibility of forthcoming publication. In Castilian and signed with a pseudonym. Be considered unpublished texts not published in book.
III) Presentation: printed double spaced on one side of A4 size paper . Send type Arial 12 . requested three copies crisp, Enclose individually.
identifiable information will come in a sealed envelope. This envelope and each folder will be labeled with title, genre and pseudonym. Inside the envelope must contain: User ID, full name, address, telephone, email and photocopy of first and second sheet of ID and / or exchange of the last address or other document proving residence time in the region.
IV) Reception: Papers will be received until December 20, 2009, taking as the filing date of the postmark. Papers should be sent to: CONTEST XXVII EEP S. Roque Peña 86, (9120) Puerto Madryn - Chubut.
V) Guidelines for each gender . For poetry and narrative fiction themes are free. For Historical Narrative see below.
· Narrative fiction (short story or novel):
Minimum Extension: 1500 double-spaced lines Send Arial 12 type (about 70 A4 pages approx.)
Extension Max: 2200 lines double spaced Arial 12 Send type (about 100 A4 pages approx.)
This category work on historical or historiographical processes, people, social groups, facts, events, practices, representations, narratives and discourses of the past. His timing may be remote or recent, preference is given to the works referred to a spatial variable Patagonia.
Minimum Extension: 1500 double-spaced lines Send Arial 12 type (about 70 A4 pages approx.)
Maximum length: 3000 lines double spaced letter type Arial 12 (about 140 A4 pages approx.)
· Poetry:
Extension: at least 300 verses
Maximum length: 700 lines (distributed over a maximum of 70 poems)
VI) Awards three categories: First Prize: Diploma and publication of 300 copies of each winning entry. The jury may award 3 (three) entries for the contest, which will receive a diploma. The jury will be free to declare the award in any category.
VII) Jury: The jury in each category will consist of three members of renowned. One national and two Patagonian. Given the number of submissions, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to appoint a Committee on Pre-selection for each category.
VIII) Other specifications . The organizing committee will reserve 100 (hundred) copies for free distribution. The work will not be returned. The works do not meet the requirements set forth will be out of competition. Any case not provided for these bases will be resolved by the Jury and the Organizing Committee.
Consultations literatura@madryn.gov.ar and / or mjroccato@madryn.gov.ar
Secretariat Culture of the Municipality of Puerto Madryn, Chubut
Roque Sáenz Peña 86 - Telephone 02965 to 472060