Friday, December 11, 2009

Price Butter Bow Bag Miu Miu

______________________ ______ south south charango

duo merkén / chile

South on the shore in the afternoon, you can see some birds that enter the west, just at the time of expected arrival of that day began early, some light is let them see between the flight, something like a fire that will wane through the night.

say how old that in twitter's what can happen tomorrow or in the days to come ... to be able to listen to the south ...

The merkén composed mosqueda fernanda castro in (charango) and Felipe Valdes Carraha (guitar, wind) brings together elements of Latin American folk sounds to submerge us the outer flight from the Andean highlands, to the Patagonian steppe where we spend these birds Aromando afternoon.

The Chilean duo, after forming in the College of Arts santiago, have come Peru, Bolivia and part of its long chile , sharing the song, the "gift of beauty and a word", as I said neruda.

With height of the first fruits, arrived from west Andean watercolor into Twitter ...

charanguista guest:

"The Salteño" team member "Abra Pampa (Trelew)

Sunday 13 / Wharf Theatre / Puerto Madryn - 20h /


10 Huaynos

______________________ ______ sponsors:

· Secretary of Culture of the province

° eastbound culture of Puerto Madryn

° fiorasi car rental

How To Build Big Green Egg Table


- Poetry: Award David Aracena "

- Narrative Fiction: Award Donald Borsello "

- Historical narrative: Award Eluned Morgan"

I) Participants: writers resident in the provinces of La Pampa, Black River, Neuquén, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego, which shows a current residence of not less than 3 (three) years in any of these provinces. Excluded previous contests winners for both competitions.

II) Work: must be original, without the possibility of forthcoming publication. In Castilian and signed with a pseudonym. Be considered unpublished texts not published in book.

III) Presentation: printed double spaced on one side of A4 size paper . Send type Arial 12 . requested three copies crisp, Enclose individually.

identifiable information will come in a sealed envelope. This envelope and each folder will be labeled with title, genre and pseudonym. Inside the envelope must contain: User ID, full name, address, telephone, email and photocopy of first and second sheet of ID and / or exchange of the last address or other document proving residence time in the region.

IV) Reception: Papers will be received until December 20, 2009, taking as the filing date of the postmark. Papers should be sent to: CONTEST XXVII EEP S. Roque Peña 86, (9120) Puerto Madryn - Chubut.

V) Guidelines for each gender . For poetry and narrative fiction themes are free. For Historical Narrative see below.

· Narrative fiction (short story or novel):
Minimum Extension: 1500 double-spaced lines Send Arial 12 type (about 70 A4 pages approx.)
Extension Max: 2200 lines double spaced Arial 12 Send type (about 100 A4 pages approx.)

  • Historical Narrative:

This category work on historical or historiographical processes, people, social groups, facts, events, practices, representations, narratives and discourses of the past. His timing may be remote or recent, preference is given to the works referred to a spatial variable Patagonia.

Minimum Extension: 1500 double-spaced lines Send Arial 12 type (about 70 A4 pages approx.)
Maximum length: 3000 lines double spaced letter type Arial 12 (about 140 A4 pages approx.)

· Poetry:
Extension: at least 300 verses

Maximum length: 700 lines (distributed over a maximum of 70 poems)

VI) Awards three categories: First Prize: Diploma and publication of 300 copies of each winning entry. The jury may award 3 (three) entries for the contest, which will receive a diploma. The jury will be free to declare the award in any category.

VII) Jury: The jury in each category will consist of three members of renowned. One national and two Patagonian. Given the number of submissions, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to appoint a Committee on Pre-selection for each category.

VIII) Other specifications . The organizing committee will reserve 100 (hundred) copies for free distribution. The work will not be returned. The works do not meet the requirements set forth will be out of competition. Any case not provided for these bases will be resolved by the Jury and the Organizing Committee.

Consultations and / or

Secretariat Culture of the Municipality of Puerto Madryn, Chubut

Roque Sáenz Peña 86 - Telephone 02965 to 472060

Dell Inspiron No Supported Webcam Driver


Story Contest

Foundation Victoria Ocampo, 2009

"Nelly Arrieta de Blaquier"

Jury comprising:

Ana Maria Shua ,

Jorge Cruz and Marcelo Gioffre.


1 - an edition will be awarded for the best book of unpublished stories.

2 - editing an anthology with the best stories of the competition.

3 - is open to all Argentine writers to submit original and unpublished stories.

4 - Manuscripts must be submitted from 1 September until 10 December 2009.

5 - The jury is composed of Ana Maria Shua, Jorge Cruz and Marcelo Gioffre.

6 - Each participant must submit a book of short stories whose length is not less than seventy (70) and not more than one hundred thirty (130) facets. Each facet must be written in A4 size and spacing should be double-spaced. Must submit three (3) and ringed Enclose copies of the book, written in PC or typewriter, on one side of paper. On the cover of each written copy is the pseudonym and the title of the work the participant must submit a sealed envelope containing the name, surname, identity number, address, telephone number, e-mail (if any) and the title of the work presented. In the front of the envelope should be written under the pseudonym and the title of the work. The three folders and the envelope must be submitted in a sealed envelope or package bearing the inscription "Story Contest Victoria Ocampo Foundation, 2009" Nelly Arrieta de Blaquier. " Address: Sarmiento 1562, Bureau of Entry (1042) Capital Federal, weekdays from 9 am to 19 pm., Or mailed to the same direction. If mailing the completion date of receipt of the work is contained in Article 4, regardless of the date of referral of the book. Upon receipt of the work will be delivered to the Participant a receipt stating the number by entering the contest.

7 - Each participant may submit the amount of books to be subject to the condition that each be sent in a separate envelope and that in each stating a different nickname .

8 - not entitled to participate in jobs that do not meet the requirements of these rules.

9 - Participants obtaining the prize, whose stories are selected expressly authorize Victoria Ocampo Foundation to spread their names, images, personal data, ways and means the publisher sees fit without compensation whatsoever.

10 - Simply enter the contest implies knowledge and acceptance of these rules and changes that could make Victoria Ocampo Foundation on these issues and decisions for adoption by the Foundation Victoria Ocampo on any issue not covered in them, of course in which participants are not entitled to any claim. Unanticipated situations will be resolved by the Jury and the Board of the Foundation and its decision is final.

11 - The Jury may declare void the First and Second Prize.

12 - Participants obtaining the First and Second Prize yield to Victoria Ocampo Foundation the right to publish the winning book is not entitled to any compensation or remuneration for copyright. The proceeds from the sale of those copies will go to future publications of the Foundation Victoria Ocampo nonprofit.

13 - Who gets the first prize may not participate for a period of five years in future contests Victoria Ocampo Foundation organized in the same category was awarded. 14 - The papers presented will not be returned.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pinnacle Tvcenter 110i

Ultramar y Tierra Sombra

art exhibition ROMAN PRIEST

(Photo: Mural at Calle José Ingenieros and Evans)

Presentation by the art collective UNDER THE BONES and guest artists.
Based on poems by Antonin Artaud.

Friday December 11, 2009
21 pm. timely
Municipal Museum of Visual Arts
Mitre 350 Trelew Chubut
Free admission