Everyone is aware of the hackneyed and recurring refrain of catalufos, not Catalan, an alleged death suffered persecution for their regional language at the hands of the genocidal regime of Franco. Based on her real atrocities are being committed against the Catalans who use the language of the English, excesses that would make most blush banana African or South American dictators.
That is false story they have made is not surprising given the way it is undesirable to have these policies to achieve its goals: to lie, invent, and coerce. It is true that during the past regime agreed not to use regional languages \u200b\u200bto divide English or to be used as political weapons, but from there to the nonsense of Carod far a stretch quite broad.
are sometimes the simplest things that show us the greatest truths. Take the example of the images:
The first is a postcard of the altar of the Basilica of the Valley of the Fallen, where we see the place now occupied by the tomb of General Franco and, as seen, was not covered at first.
The second, the reverse is more juicy, here we see that one Carmen writes from Madrid to an acquaintance or relative Harriet called living in 93 Major de Gracia, Barcelona. The postcard is dated March 5, 1960 and bears two days later. Is unusual in that between the eagle of San Juan del Patrimonio Nacional, before it was the private garden of the lady so uncomfortable to watch it Teresita, this Carmen is expressed as perfect, I guess, Catalan, all in a perfect postcard readable by any official post that should have come running to the National Directorate of Security for the said lady had been properly shaved and cleansed with castor oil, especially when the flats had to paste the stamp upside Caudillo, heroin Catalan.
As we see, sometimes a simple market shows clearly the great tricksters who fill their bellies at the expense of the misery of the English people.