Monday, September 27, 2010

Non Sugar Substitute For Brown Sugar

Serve the present to pay tribute to Cape Romano, a member of the 1 st Flag of Castilla, made at the 12 Division, once belonging to the Army Corps Army of Northern Navarra.

occupied his command on Captain D. Francisco Navarro Albaladejo, the Commander D. José Navarro Moreno, Major D. Manuel Fernández Silvestre, Captain D. Joaquin Valldaura Crespi, Captain D. Andrés González, Lieutenant D. Max Rodriguez and Ensign Ardanal Mr. Parco.

The unit suffered 188 dead and 896 wounded, and the number of veterans of 1095.

fought at Jarama, Toledo, Casa de Campo and Juliana Peña.

Greetings to his great-nephew.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Was Your First Orgasm Alone Or With Someone?

Film Training Centre, AC
narrative form of documentary
40 documentaries he has worked as producer, director, cameraman and editor. He has received numerous awards in Europe and Latin America winner Ariel Award in the category Short Film Debut 1981. Fellow of the MacArthur Foundation, Rockefeller, Ford and FONCA. Director of Mexico production and content of New Century, from 2001 to 2005. National System of Creators, broadcast 2006-2009. National Journalism Award 2010. Teacher Workshop of Documentary Film Training Centre since 1998.
DATES / HOURS: 4 Saturdays from 10 am. to 3 pm.
Saturday October 23, 6 and 20 November, 4 December 2010.
REQUIREMENT: Having more than 18 years
Quota: 20 students
COST: $ 3, 500.00
For people related to media and all interested in acquiring the basic tools and knowledge to operate this image editing software and audio. The course is taught in the Laboratory of picture and sound, a room equipped and furnished with high technology, designed for academic purposes.

OFFERED: Nicolenka Beltrán.
Director and editor, has participated in over 20 feature film projects, film editor of fiction, TV series and documentaries.
DATES: Monday 18 to Saturday 23 October.
HOURS: Monday to Friday 4 pm. to 8 pm.
Saturday 10 am to 2 pm.
REQUIREMENTS: Having more than 18 years of age. Have numeracy or MAC computer management PC.
Quota: 15 students.
COST: $ 3, 700.00 pesos.
screenwriting workshop
introductory workshop where students will write a short film script from 10 to 15 pages, over 12 sessions. It will address such topics as the literary script of the idea to the theme, the character, history and research, building character, story line and plot, the plot, dramatic structure and pivot points, the variants of the plot; structure of the scene: script development, the noise level. Be reviewed Basic concepts overview, rundown, plot, tone, style, genre and rhythm.
OFFERED: Alfredo Mendoza, scriptwriter. Graduate Course Screenplay Film Training Centre, MA in Art History at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UNAM-IEE, provided the argument for film workshop at the Center for Cinematographic Training. Among the screenplays he has written include: time to leave, Dolls, Wait, Miguel Salgado.
DATES: 12 Saturdays. From September 25 to December 11, 2010.
REQUIREMENTS: Having more than 18.
HOURS: Saturdays 10 am. to 2 pm.
CAPACITY: 15 people.
COST: $ 3, 800 pesos.
VENUE: Centre for Cinematographic
Aimed at those interested in history and gender analysis of film. 6 modules: Language Film, History of Mexican cinema, History of World Cinema, Film writer, film genres and formal analysis. 6 modules of 10 sessions, each module last month and a half. You can take the modules you want. Taught by experienced critics.
TAUGHT: Leonardo García Tsao, Juan Arturo Brennan, Susana Lopez Aranda, Nelson Carro.
DATES: Starts October 4, 2010.
REQUIREMENTS: Having more than 18 years.
HOURS: Monday and Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
CAPACITY: 40 people.
COST: $ 1, 500.00 per module. Discount of $ 500.00 pesos per module to prepay the full seminar.
VENUE: Centre for Cinematographic
REPORTS: 4155 00 90 4155 00 00 ext. 1814.
Film Training Centre
National Arts Centre / Calz. de Tlalpan 1670, Col. Country Club, Mexico City
- Claudia Prado
Assistant Director of Research and Outreach Center
Film Training
Calzada de Tlalpan 1670 Col. Country Club
04220, Mexico DF, Mexico
Tel: +52 55 4155 0090 ext. 1805
Fax: +52 55 4155 0092 / elccc / cccmexico

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Meet My Friend Tomorrow

are cordially invited to the awards ceremony of the REAL Fellowship @ THELIFT
to encourage production of quality film and national identity among young Mexican artists, which will take place in part of the Closing Ceremony of Short Shorts Film Festival
The date is this Friday September 10 2010 at 19:30 hrs
, in Conference Room 3 of the National Film, Av Mexico Coyoacán 389, Col. Benito Juárez Xoco.
REAL @ THELIFT The scholarship is an incentive for students film career Communications and / or movie based on telling a story concerning an issue that takes place in Mexico City and to promote identity Mexicans. Among the objectives of this grant
are the foster a sense of identity among Mexican youth through film production content high quality, as well as linking students with directors, writers, photographers, editors, and other recognized professionals that make up the film industry through a multidisciplinary approach.

18 to September 25, 2010

We are at the ninth edition of this film festival that includes participation by a group recording for 24 hours straight to have a camera, video tape and the framework of the city of Cordoba as a film set for making a short.

of 18 September 1100 at 11.00 on September 19.

collection and editing material
: seat of the Andalusian Institute of Youth

IX Closing Gala Film Festival with awards Instant:

Saturday 25 at 20.00 (Sala Val del Omar). Andalucía Film Archive.

Instant Film Festival began as an activity included in the Young Film Festival. The filming and editing of the film must take place in Cordoba under the conclusion of Eutopia 10. Each group will have a

limited time

recording, from 1100 hours on September 18 through the same thing the next day. The

assembly time is also limited

, in this case to ten hours on the date determined by the organization and the technical equipment it provides. The

short duration will not exceed 7 minutes

. The organization will provide each group tape or DVD-Video, with a total of two hours, and digital editing equipment. Borne by each of the groups the camera and other technical means necessary to carry out your project. The

the filmmaker is free

and admit any of the following

recording formats: Mini-DV, Digital-8, DVD and HDV


can participate in this call
any group in which at least 75% of its members have less than 35 years to complete the registration period . In front of each of the groups comprise a responsible acting as principal, which must be less than 35 years before the IAJ acting as a class representative for all matters relating to the Festival. The number of participating groups will be limited to a maximum of 50 , performing a selection, if needed, in function of the curriculum presented by each of those responsible. Endpoints will be the experience, training and collaboration with associations and media institutions. A jury composed of renowned professionals in the audiovisual will be responsible for performing Selection of works submitted to the Instant Film Festival, for its projection of 23 and 24 September. Of these short, the jury shall determine the winning entries of the festival which will be announced on 25 in a ceremony to be held at 20.00 am in the Andalusian Film. The jury will serve in their selection criteria originality, creativity and quality . We also appreciate the immediacy of the papers presented. As for the awards will be granted Chomón Gold, worth 3,000 euros , the Chomón Silver 1,500 euros , The Public Chomón , consisting of 750 euros ; and RTVA Award for best short Andalusia, with a budget of 1,500 euros . The latter award will be eligible only groups whose director is responsible for Andalusia. PDF Our Lady of Concrete: Mexico City 200 years of Independence , which will be attended by its director, the renowned Mexican director Francisco Vargas, whose film The Violin was one of the most globally-acclaimed . The documentary portrays the photographic journey that perform more than 300 photographers all over the streets of Mexico City, portraying every detail of the city with their cameras for 24 hours that are reflected in the documentary, to be released on September 15 this year . The conference will be held on Wednesday 18 August at 10 am on the street Donceles 66 esq. Palma, Colonia Centro, Mexico DF.

Good Fragrance Oils Toronto



As most know, the 11th of August we left our comrade and friend Marisa Calleja.

Not long ago, the day of presentation of the Platform MYL, which was named Honorary President, was given a plaque in honor of the Platform, that given, as always, his humility and discretion in the service Patria received with a look of surprise and tears of gratitude in his eyes. Marisa

, National Secretary of the National Confederation of Combatants. Marisa
, Patron of the FDA. Marisa
, instructor of the Women's Section. Marisa
former Wow. Marisa
first female head of the Guard Century Franco. Marisa
, Honorary President of the Platform MYL
But above all, Marisa Falanga. Marisa
, Falange, friend and comrade.

Her husband, comrade José Luis de Benito Langa, President of the National Association of Former Combatants, and the entire National Board of the National Confederation of Combatants, announces the funeral for his eternal rest to be held next Thursday, on 16 September at 19:30, in the parish of Santa Barbara (the Falange), C / Bárbara de Braganza 1 and 3. MARISA COMRADE


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hiv Test After 20 Months

another year, and now they're four, we are pleased to invite you to International Short Film Festival Digital Sector to be held As always, the lounge-bar

Madrid Sector.

A never ending journey through the English desert, a boy waiting for the postman in a village in the postwar period, a mature woman and a man of 24 years and a bottle of champagne, the life of a people about a child trapped on a balcony, a rural thriller about isolation, the animated stories about cats infidels and of a sailor who becomes a painter after his family died in a storm or documentaries of a street singer who returns to the scenario 20 years later and Chiapas and Guatemala, two territories without peace. are just some of the stories told in 25 short films that

eligible for the 12 awards that

this year shared the International Short Film Festival Digital Sector. There will statuettes, diplomas and

six races worth more than $ 3,000 . In addition, this edition will be awarded the Audience Award for most votes short video art by the Internet and the jury will award 5 mentions.


projections will take place between 16 and 18 June
, after 21.0 hours in the lounge-bar

Sector (C / Quintana, 17 28008 Madrid).

The awards gala will be Saturday
June 19

, at 19.30, and This fourth edition will also include the presence of great stars of the small and big screen.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Good Freshman Initiation Ideas

film actress Science Fiction and Class B Lorena Velázquez, along with wrestlers Blue Demon and the Son of Santo, were recognized by the Festival World Quickflick International Short Film for his career and for being pioneering and promoting the genre of films science fiction and class B in Mexico during the Festival Awards Ceremony on the terrace of the Hotel Condesa DF.
These three icons of the genre, were recognized by the organizers of the festival, as well as applause and support from more than 200 people who gathered on the night of June 9 in an outdoor exhibit in the Condesa DF terrace where they observed a sample of 12 Mexican films that addressed the genre of science fiction films and class B, plus a selection of 12 shorts from 14 countries worldwide with the theme deck.

Two short films Mexicans will be part of a selection of works from 14 countries of the genre of science fiction films and class B, as part of the prize to the International Short Film Festival World Quickflick Mexico issued at the ceremony, the works were selected to represent Mexico were "Born Bad Chicken" by Mexican director Luis Gutierrez, who won the most votes becoming the prize of the public creditor and Marlene Guerin's short film, entitled "Ergo I love you", both also won a scholarship to study a course in film, animation or post-production as they choose, in any of the schools that support the Festival and School Nash postproduction, Graco Films animation school in the Universidad del Cine.

The event brought together several personalities from the film as Laura de Ita, Roberto Sosa, Montserrat de León, Isabel Martínez (The Stonechat), also the founder of the festival in Mexico Fernando Quickflick World Market. In the same way announced the theme of the Festival call for its next edition, which is Fetish and the deadline for receipt of submissions will be next August 2, 2010. The Festival also invited attendees to attend the exhibitions held in the Lido Cinema Cultural Bella Epoca Center (Tamaulipas 202, Col. Condesa) on Mondays and Fridays of each month at 18:00 and 20:00 respectively.

The International Short Film Festival World Quickflick arrived in Mexico in 2005 and has remained in the taste of the filmmakers, students and the public of our city who have followed over these five years the activities Quickflick World month after month, which have formed a community of filmmakers who learn by doing and that has promoted during these five years a different independent film culture that promotes self-sustaining projects and quality.

For information of the call and the activities of festival: and