Saturday, April 22, 2006

Roughneck Replacement Lids

History .- Argentina: The killing of Rincón Bomba .-

are fully known the terrible events developed in 1921, when the Argentine Army troops, commanded by Lt. Col. Hector B. Varela and orders from the government, attended to "pacify" the rural laborers and farm workers in the province of woolen Santa Cruz, shaken by a series of riots and strikes .- These claims were fair, and organized as a response to breaches of the agreements reached long ago with the bosses and landowners .- The claims did not relate more than a reasonable wage demands and some improvements in working conditions, having been one of the architects of these arrangements breached the same tte. Colonel Varela, on a previous visit to the area of \u200b\u200bconflict .-.-
This time, Varela acted "manu militari" and only in the territory of the Estancia La Anita ordered the arrest and summary execution of more than 1,500 people, under all kinds of accusations such as "undesirable." "Alien" or "anarchist" .- Its so particular to silence the complaints by the Mauser was applauded by the most reactionary sectors of the population in Argentina and became a milestone in the long road of the workers struggle in search of social justice .-
projections actually continued with Varela's death shortly afterwards at the hands of the anarchist Wilckens, who was himself murdered in prison by the guard Pérez Millán and this also killed by another prisoner who died shortly .-
Of all these events are numerous testimonies, photographs, official records, books, such as Osvaldo Bayer - and at least a couple of films based on the facts .- In La Anita, a monument forever remember the site of shame .-
But there were other events - maybe most of the suspects - who were not so sad celebrity and are only lost through old, dusty records, unknown to most and almost forgotten by that were once referred to them, all are among the hundreds of examples of injustice, misunderstanding, authoritarianism and impunity so prevalent in our Latin America and are shot exclusively on the most humble and vulnerable sectors of the population .-
One of these tragic events, it is undoubtedly the "Slaughter of Rincón Bomba", as known to the killing of ethnic Pilagá native, killed Establishment of the National Gendarmerie .-
Between 10 and October 30, 1947, mentions the November 5 deadline - were killed between 700 and 1,500 children, the elderly, women and some men, unarmed and totally helpless in a distant spot in the West of Homeland then Formosa, near the town of Las Lomitas .- The incident happened
from indiscriminate use of force on hundreds of natives who were begging for food and medicine to local authorities .- These former owners of land subject to a quasi-slavery, had just returned hungry and sick from the province of Salta, where they had been taken under false pretenses to work at a sugar mill .- The National Gendarmerie men opened fire on them and subsequent repression reached
result stated .- Only in our days and upon presentation of lawyers representing the nation-now practically extinct Pilagá - Justice Formosa Federal took up the issue and have already dug graves, with the discovery of more than 25 bodies still await justice .-
another slaughter, the killing of Napalpí, this time on the Toba Qom and Mocoví nations in year 1924 .-
As shown, the Santa Cruz killings occurred during the first presidency of Dr. Hipolito Irigoyen and was very well done politically exploited by opponents of his government, even to this day, pointing to the old radical leader almost as murderer, ignoring the pressure of all kinds received from deliberate misinformation to the "suggestion" of sending two British warships from the Falklands, in order to safeguard the interests of British subjects in the area .- But the facts of Rincón Bomba, dating back to 1947, during the first term of General Peron, and have nothing to envy in their level the previous barbaric, yet little is known about them outside of those directly involved in one way or another
.- Is that violence is more objectionable as the exercise some and not others? "It was more cruel Irigoyen Peron? I am inclined to think that both documents were guilty of acting with extreme lightness, leaving significant share of power in the hands of officials and officers unable to fourth order, triggering perhaps not foresee a tremendous series of events whose outcome we already know .-
Does then the blame for this lack of foresight of two rulers, political parties opposing but equal in the time of mea culpa and self-criticism? Certainly no blame, but the blame more, the most responsible, well above the man and his politics and is the low value we place on human life, especially when esas vidas pertenecen a los mas humildes, a los relegados, al peón, al hachero o al indio.-
El feudalismo de muchos gobiernos provinciales, el temor a las ideas de progreso, el desprecio por el mas pobre, el autoritarismo militar y todas las otras causas que podemos encontrar vinculadas a estas muertes no son nada mas que una cuestión de falta de respeto por un derecho fundamental; el Derecho a la Vida.-



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