Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lauren London Hair 2010


is not fully known the performance of military chaplains Crusade for Liberation. Therefore not been assessed in perspective the work of a handful of men of God developed in the frontlines, spiritual comfort to soldiers, assisting in the last moments when life surrenders to the Creator, in hospitals and in the trenches, behind the lines themselves and in no mans land at the side of the enemy itself and when requested, without discrimination, regardless of the danger and, often giving one's life in the company to save the soul neighbor.

If in the previous article referred to a chaplain of the Falange, this one I intend to honor those that quintessential Chaplains have been most appreciated and requested by the fighting units, the Jesuits, the followers of that captain of Spain who was Ignatius of Loyola.

Since its founding company members accompanied the various armies to carry out its mission desinterasada: Parents Lainez and Nadal in the campaign in Africa against pirate Blackbeard in 1550, the parents Montoya, Nadal or the unforgettable Cristobal Rodriguez Lepanto in 1571, Alexander and Maurice Parent Serpe in Alcazarquivir in 1578, twenty Jesuits in the Armada of those who disappeared four in 1588, Father Juan Fernandez on the site of Maastricht in 1579, the Fathers Gabriel de la Vega and Francisco Villegas in Araucania between 1597 and 1656, and Parent and Rosales Astorga, accompanied the army of Paraguay in the services rendered to Spain Parents Smet, Hubert or Gache in the American Civil War from 1861 and 1865, Padres Cappa, Antonio Salazar, Francisco Fernandez, Gaspar Tovia in different South American wars: Pacific, of the Thousand Days or the Chaco, in the various wars of the French Empire, Magdeburg, Algeria, Sevastopol until the defeat in war Franco Prussian war of 1870, the First World War with the Padres Lenoir, Doyle, Deat and many others who, among other awards were granted 2 for Distinguished Service 13 Military Crosses, 3 Orders of the British Empire, etc.. 2279 In 1917 Jesuits were mobilized, which means that one in eight Jesuit order was in the battle fronts of Europe, killing a total of 41.

participated in the Crusade a hundred framed in all weapons and targets, too numerous to refer their names here but to highlight the Third Marticorena Padres San Ignacio, Latasa of Requetes, Ortiz de Zarate of Phalangist Sagardía Column , Ilundain of the 8 th Flag of the Legion Allendesalazar of the 6 th Bandera of the Legion and finally the most famous and emblematic, whose adventures have been collected in various works that can be viewed, Father Joseph Knight of the 10th Bandera of the Legion, Military Medal, to suffer for the Fatherland War Cross and the Red Cross Campaign and proposed twice to the Laureate, and Father Fernando Huidobro of the 4 th Flag of the Legion Highlander birth, the sixth of nine children and lived in exile after the expulsion of the Jesuits and the plundering of their property by the mob-front. He returned to Spain at the beginning of the race to offer their services on the front lines taking part in the University City and the Hospital's defense, most advanced and critical point of national progress towards the capital, scene of hellish events such as the Clinical blast through mines where they were buried by tens Legionnaires without yielding an inch of land and rejecting all attacks cells that followed the explosions and subsequent artillery attacks. Moncho attended the lieutenant who gave his life in these actions which earned him the Laureate of San Fernando Cruz was finally wounded and removed from the front.

The head of the 4 th Bandera declared 10 years later: "I can never forget the figure of our Chaplain at the time, with the crucifix in hand, as always, armed only multiplying its activity, absorbed compliance of their sacred ministry. His serenity was so escepcional, which gave me the feeling that the man was completely unaware of this terrible fight and so constant that danger. "

still not recovered joins the flag that had been transferred to industry Jarama. On April 11, 1937 after days of heavy bombardment is commanded by Commander Iniesta to retreat to the kit to meet there with the wounded and to enforce the order was killed by being hit by a shell of 12.40 when was within the cabinet. He was 34 years.

not be fair to end without mentioning other Jesuits and the 25 French who died in the European campaign in World War II, the Italians Parents Messori, Lega Apolloni, Lorenzi, Fossati, Leoni and others, the Germans Parents Delp, Koller, Neumann, Gross, Gockell, Goll, and others who framed the resistance against the Germans or the Americans as Charles O `Neill, Father O'Callahan, Father Hogan, where one in five Jesuits in the country was on the front.

Finally, remember that the only weapon that these men carried on the battle fronts was the Cross.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

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Fiction Collection Patagonia is proposed as a space for dissemination of published and unpublished authors who wish to continue your work or venture for the first time in literary, philosophical and critical. A collection framed by the initiatives of the cultural supplement of Rayon Fabric and aims to establish an autonomous space and plural to provide more authors, more work, more proposals from a cultural map, such as Patagonia, always moving and is renewed from its own contradictions.

The spirit of Patagonia Fiction Collection bet, essentially a valuation the anthology as a dissemination tool , encounter and dialogue between canonical and new writers, among several proposals and also varied genres such as drama, short fiction, novels, comics, philosophy and testing, weighing, always and alienable quality of works. It aims also to ensure the presence of the publications in the regional, national and even international, with rolls 1000 (thousand) copies per issue and delivery of copies to the most renowned critics, directors of cultural supplements and writers of local and national scene (Martín Kohan, Noah Jitrik, Roberto Ferro, Ricardo Piglia, Arial Williams et al.)

International Book Fair, held until last May 10 in Buenos Aires, has seen the emergence of the first number collection, which also presented in literary Esquel held on 6, 7, 8 and 9 May. The bet remains unwavering, and the second number that humor anthology stories, with the participation of renowned storyteller Martín Kohan of Enrique Gallud Jardiel (grandson of the great Jardiel Enrique Ponce and author continues his groundbreaking humor ) and notable authors so far poorly disseminated.

The third issue emerges, perhaps, as a major challenge for writers and readers, and open calls to participate in a literature anthology pornoerótica . It will feature stories or poems erotic, porn or hybrids between the two texts, and has already confirmed the participation of noted writer Alberto Laiseca ( cycle storyteller Tales of terror I-Sat; co-star in the film The Artist and author of the legendary novel The Sorias , among others), who has sent an unpublished story. It calls for the present, new authors, classical, emerging and renowned men and women daring, controversial, counter able to demystify the idea of \u200b\u200bart and literature as a sacred object and more capable of making art as service human human being: his desire.

is defined below the general profile of the call to this third issue, which is both an invitation to participate.


· The call is for the public interested to initiate or to continue his literary work, without distinction gender or background in the discipline;

· The call does not compromise the publication of submitted papers;

· may be published under pseudonyms;

· Obscenity and verbal forms are part of pornographic literature, which the boldness of the letters in this sense is not necessarily assessed as a weakness;

· exception of special cases (such as interest on a text for a number of other observations suggested the library or a text likely to be published), responsible for editing will be issued on the texts sent;

· If it sent the text selected, contact the author with a view to completing details on next steps;

· Papers should be sent to the mail box patagoniaficcion@gmail.com ;

· is prioritize the unpublished texts, in case you are not, shall be included in a footnote, place, date and book publishing houses from the work submitted;

· is foreseen sharing 10% of the total circulation to their authors.

· The closing date for submissions is June 24, 2010 inclusive.


· The graphic layout of the texts must meet the following : Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5, justified margins (except poems made for margins);

· The extension of the work will have a minimum, a maximum length of ten pages of text, with the parameters indicated in the previous item;

· may be sent one or more texts, leaving to the discretion of the editors the selection of one, several or none.

Thank you for your participation and dissemination. For any questions or requests, the wait in patagoniaficcion@gmail.com

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Literary Corridor Coordination Patagonian Santa Cruz and the Culture of Puerto San Julián invite:

the general public, teachers, writers, workshop and other disciplines related to the art of Puerto San Julian and central to the training that will provide the teacher Cristina Merelli 24 and June 25, 2010, 5 and 6 August 2010. Merelli
Professor of extensive experience in areas theatrical, literary and artistic, has to his credit with the following activities:

November/09 a jury in the XXI International Festival of Experimental Theatre in the city of Cairo - Egypt . Only Latin American member of a jury comprising representatives of: Canada-US-Britain-Germany-Poland-Italy-France - Tunisia-Egipto.China.

past two years is based in Puerto Madryn. Forms the group "General Ramos, Theater, Plastic and Allied Workers'

inaugurated in November 2008 Gladys Torres (actress and artist) "SETTLEMENT," Multispace of Art in Puerto Madryn. (Accessed blogs). Space Systems, Plays, exhibitions. Photo

Intervention: "Cure for stomach ache" Visual Arts Museum, Trelew

February 2010 Installation: "Adversus Ventus Museum of Art. Puerto Madryn - February 2010. Installation

Blog: "Who killed the goose that lays the golden eggs"

For more information, please see their works and at the following address

http://www.alternativateatral. Merelli com/persona2024-cristina-

This workshop is free and open to interested parties but please register as soon as possible because we have limited capacity.
can sign up for this e-mail: bwugan@gmail.com or in person at the Department of Culture of Puerto San Julián.

When we formed the groups were informed by this means, the timetable.

Claudia Elizabeth Taylor-Coordinator of the CPL-Santa Cruz

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XXVI Certamen Literarios Nacional e Internacional en Gaiman.

"Gonzalo Delfino 2010"


Popular Library "RICARDO J. Berwyn "GAIMAN city, province of Chubut, Patagonia - Argentina, calls for participation of the Contest National and International Literary Prize DELFINO GONZALO. 1.Consideraciones

General: Participation in this
literary competition is open to anyone who wants it, living in Argentina and Argentine citizens residing abroad. 2.De

Child (for participants aged 8 to 13 years) Youth
(DE14 Participant 18)
Free (For participants age 19 and older)

3.De genres:
to ) Story: One (1) by author, A4 size, up to four (4) veneers, typed double-spaced, computer (font: Arial , Size 12). Insert the page number
b) Poetry: Up to Three (3) poems by author, no longer than forty (40) verses c/una.-

4.De presentation of work:
Work Award for "Gonzalo Delfino "2010 will be unpublished and have not been awarded any other event.
Contestants must submit jobs by Mail in an envelope that contains within it, one on the child with the title, User ID and Category in the cover, inside which contains: the author's data, in which are recorded document of identity (photocopy accompany the first and second page) address, telephone number and e-mail. Little if any literary curriculum that does not exceed 10 lines.
The organizers of the contest will take care of administrative tasks to enter and work number. The material prepared will be sent to the judges for evaluation.
not accept submissions by e-mail.

5. Receipt of the work (mail)
Works Award for "Gonzalo Delfino" 2010 will be received in the Richard Jones Berwyn Public Library, located at Calle Juan C. Evans 154 (9105) Gaiman, Province of Chubut - Patagonia - Argentina.
The works are due On: August 31, 2010, inclusive, and respect postmarked.
In the month of March 2011 will be announced the results of the competition.

6.De the inadmissibility of work:
not be admitted the following work:

a) the jobs that arrive damaged, incomplete or out of time.
b) jobs that do not comply with the provisions of this Regulation
c) Work for Children and Youth category written by adults.

8. Jury performance
The jury is composed of members of renowned national and international level and appointed by the Board of the Public Library "RJ Berwyn."
The jury's decision is final and will be in full compliance with this regulation, an order drawn up which will record the award of prizes and concepts the jury deems appropriate.
The jury will be empowered to make final, as well as state endorsements if any. No shares will be awarded. The verdict of the jury will be published through the relevant media.

9. Grant Awards to
With all the winning entries will print an anthology of 300 (three hundred) copies and will be delivered as follows: 1st
. Prize: 10 specimens, plaque and certificate of participation
2nd. Prize: 7 specimens, plaque and certificate of participation
3rd. Award: 5 specimens, plaque and certificate of participation
Of the remaining anthologies, they will be distributed among public libraries in the country.
Platelets are donated by various intermediate institutions, so that this Library is not responsible for the characteristic of them.
The winners will be published at the website of the Library Berwyn.

10. In the awards
Prizes will be awarded during el desarrollo de la 27ª Feria Provincial del Libro del Chubut, sede permanente GAIMAN y 7ª Patagónica del libro, a realizarse en el mes de mayo de 2011. A los que no tengan la posibilidad de concurrir a la feria, se les enviará los premios, vía postal por el Correo Argentino.

11. De la Institución Organizadora
Cualquier situación no prevista en este Certamen, será resuelta por la Comisión Directiva de la Biblioteca Popular “Ricardo J: Berwyn”
Participar en este Certamen Literario supone la aceptación de sus reglas y condiciones, cuya interpretación final quedará a juicio de la Comisión Directiva.

12. De la Biblioteca Popular “Ricardo J. Berwyn "
Address: Juan C. Evans 154 - (9105) - Gaiman, Province. Chubut. Tel
054 - 02965-491128 - Tele-Fax 054 -
02965-491212 e-mail: biberwyn@ar.inter. net page www.bibliotecaberwyn.com.ar Organizers Board of the Richard Jones Berwyn Public Library City Gaiman - Chubut, Patagonia - Argentina -

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

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The documentary took them, alive we want
, directed by Cecilia Serna Monterrey, and is available on DVD. The film portrays the daily struggles that made mothers, wives, brothers, sisters and children of disappeared politicians to know the whereabouts of their loved ones before the current government, which refuses to provide details about what happened in the 1970 and 1980 in Mexico. The documentary was selected
by the International Film Festival Monterrey in 2007.
The DVD of the documentary I can get into the branches of the Library
Gandhi all over the country. Http://cineastaregio.blogspot.com/rss20.xml

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Motorcycle Motor On A Go Kart

  • The three short films by English director Diego López Cotillo
  • - Farewell to sleep
(2004), Consciousness (2007) and France

Letter (2009) - as can be seen in Filmotech
, Section
'Film Short '
. Http://cineastaregio.blogspot.com/rss20.xml

The Nine Age Of Justerini Sprice

  • This retrospective of Mexican films and 14 countries, under the International Short Film Festival World
  • Quickflick
  • As part of the activities of the International Short Film Festival World Quickflick Mexico, introduce two special functions with a retrospective of Mexican films and 14 countries around the world who have participated in the Festival since its founding in Sao Paulo in 2003.
  • of more than 10 000 films from various countries and just under a thousand that the festival has received in Mexico, with content dealt with about 100 different issues, it was possible to make a selection with the 42 best short of the 14 cultural capital internationally important as London, Berlin, Sao Paulo, Tokyo, Beijing, Mumbai, Amsterdam, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTel Aviv, Buenos Aires, Paris, Moscow and New York including our country that make up the global short film festival bigger the world.
  • The exhibits will be held this Friday May 28
at 20:00
and Monday May 31 at 18:00
in Lido Cinema Cultural Center in Tamaulipas Belle Epoque 202, Colonia Condesa.
Among the films that we see in the sample, there are jobs that have been made especially for World Quickflick and have reached important citations and awards at other festivals in Mexico and the world. Mexico Quickflick
giving away double passes to the persons concerned to answer the trivia on the website www.qfmexico.com before the days of the functions.

About International Short Film Festival Quickflick World. Quickflick World is one of the only short film festivals in format that is based on a platform Internet to create communities around the world can interact via the web. World Quickflick
set a theme every two months with the filmmakers in the 14 cities that comprise the festival should make a short film based on the item with a maximum of 3 minutes and in a time of 8 weeks, following the time set for the completion of the short-participants attending a local Master Class in each of their cities that is taught by a renowned director and actor, where they have the opportunity for these specialists to see and give their professional views on work, feeding the learning experience and creating our filmmakers.
A week after the Master Class is carried out with a party Global Showcase simultaneously in each of the 14 funds that make up Quickflick World, exhibiting the best short of the 14 cities the theme of the past two months and it's short involved in the matter of two months in progress and will be sent to an international jury to select the showcase of two months later. Amsterdam, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBerlin, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, New York, London, Mumbai, Sao Paulo, Tel Aviv, Paris, Moscow, Tokyo and soon Istanbul.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Motorcycle Shaped Gum Paste

Entrevista en Tinta China por Dante Sepúlveda

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Topless Tanning On Cruise Ships


are invited to approach the visual arts museum in Trelew, to see the photo exhibit Judith Bensimon. From 04/06/1910 to 07/07/1910

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Electric Wheelchair Schematics


Mandala Books
invited on Friday June 4th at 19:30 am at the book launch: "The greatest enemy "Fernando Lopez.

Fernando Lopez has published three books of short stories and novels still burns over the years (Premio Casa de las Americas 1985-published in Argentina, Cuba and Germany), crab Odyssey (Finalist Premio Planeta Argentina 2004) black Billis, the shadow of the water, The Enigma of angel, Rough sky.

now presents Mandala Books: "The greatest enemy

will be waiting there, with some live music, with renowned pianist Carlos Ghiglione, and share a good wine.

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On Saturday June 12, all who can / want to just go to SPACE-EARTH AWARENESS.
Martin and Anahi, they say, the idea is to discuss the construction the shed-cultural, of the property. In this shed will develop cultural activities throughout the year, debate film, theater, chess. etc.
On Saturday 12, then to project the construction of the aforementioned barn-cultural, it shall prepare a literary fire and as you can not miss ... a guitar. The intention is to enable the Latin American, therefore, all those who take texts, poems, poetry to share, focus on Latin American authors.

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We commented that, Martin and Anahí We report the existence of a place called EARTH SPACE-CONSCIOUSNESS, which is intended to be a meeting place for culture and to encourage critical thinking, where they can develop activities in general, always looking for that are in line with the respect for the land.
For those interested, we clarify that the space is located in the area Gaiman in Chubut Province by Route 25, down Mangini, Valley Road at 2 kms center Gaiman.
The creators of this beautiful place we say: "Consciousness-EARTH SPACE is a dream is a place located in a utopia, is the way to goal and keeps it moving. Here we try, sometimes successfully, sometimes not, to amaze the world, give-automating our heads and think. "
now rests with those who want to be present in this promising space contribute to the innovative, yet compromising Martin and initiative Anahí.
Finally, we encourage the willingness and cooperation: "In particular we want to say: if you ever go near this space, and out of curiosity want to contact , DO NOT HESITATE TO DO IT!, We need all the help they can give. Ideas, messages, views, criticism, opinions, smiles, poems, will be welcomed and treasured. "
As they say, you can see some photos of the property in Facebook
As if doubts, they left a phone: 02965-1582-9975 and mail: sidai_mago@hotmail.com

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