Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tv Center Pinnacle 464 Bits

XXVI Certamen Literarios Nacional e Internacional en Gaiman.

"Gonzalo Delfino 2010"


Popular Library "RICARDO J. Berwyn "GAIMAN city, province of Chubut, Patagonia - Argentina, calls for participation of the Contest National and International Literary Prize DELFINO GONZALO. 1.Consideraciones

General: Participation in this
literary competition is open to anyone who wants it, living in Argentina and Argentine citizens residing abroad. 2.De

Child (for participants aged 8 to 13 years) Youth
(DE14 Participant 18)
Free (For participants age 19 and older)

3.De genres:
to ) Story: One (1) by author, A4 size, up to four (4) veneers, typed double-spaced, computer (font: Arial , Size 12). Insert the page number
b) Poetry: Up to Three (3) poems by author, no longer than forty (40) verses c/una.-

4.De presentation of work:
Work Award for "Gonzalo Delfino "2010 will be unpublished and have not been awarded any other event.
Contestants must submit jobs by Mail in an envelope that contains within it, one on the child with the title, User ID and Category in the cover, inside which contains: the author's data, in which are recorded document of identity (photocopy accompany the first and second page) address, telephone number and e-mail. Little if any literary curriculum that does not exceed 10 lines.
The organizers of the contest will take care of administrative tasks to enter and work number. The material prepared will be sent to the judges for evaluation.
not accept submissions by e-mail.

5. Receipt of the work (mail)
Works Award for "Gonzalo Delfino" 2010 will be received in the Richard Jones Berwyn Public Library, located at Calle Juan C. Evans 154 (9105) Gaiman, Province of Chubut - Patagonia - Argentina.
The works are due On: August 31, 2010, inclusive, and respect postmarked.
In the month of March 2011 will be announced the results of the competition.

6.De the inadmissibility of work:
not be admitted the following work:

a) the jobs that arrive damaged, incomplete or out of time.
b) jobs that do not comply with the provisions of this Regulation
c) Work for Children and Youth category written by adults.

8. Jury performance
The jury is composed of members of renowned national and international level and appointed by the Board of the Public Library "RJ Berwyn."
The jury's decision is final and will be in full compliance with this regulation, an order drawn up which will record the award of prizes and concepts the jury deems appropriate.
The jury will be empowered to make final, as well as state endorsements if any. No shares will be awarded. The verdict of the jury will be published through the relevant media.

9. Grant Awards to
With all the winning entries will print an anthology of 300 (three hundred) copies and will be delivered as follows: 1st
. Prize: 10 specimens, plaque and certificate of participation
2nd. Prize: 7 specimens, plaque and certificate of participation
3rd. Award: 5 specimens, plaque and certificate of participation
Of the remaining anthologies, they will be distributed among public libraries in the country.
Platelets are donated by various intermediate institutions, so that this Library is not responsible for the characteristic of them.
The winners will be published at the website of the Library Berwyn.

10. In the awards
Prizes will be awarded during el desarrollo de la 27ª Feria Provincial del Libro del Chubut, sede permanente GAIMAN y 7ª Patagónica del libro, a realizarse en el mes de mayo de 2011. A los que no tengan la posibilidad de concurrir a la feria, se les enviará los premios, vía postal por el Correo Argentino.

11. De la Institución Organizadora
Cualquier situación no prevista en este Certamen, será resuelta por la Comisión Directiva de la Biblioteca Popular “Ricardo J: Berwyn”
Participar en este Certamen Literario supone la aceptación de sus reglas y condiciones, cuya interpretación final quedará a juicio de la Comisión Directiva.

12. De la Biblioteca Popular “Ricardo J. Berwyn "
Address: Juan C. Evans 154 - (9105) - Gaiman, Province. Chubut. Tel
054 - 02965-491128 - Tele-Fax 054 -
02965-491212 e-mail: biberwyn@ar.inter. net page Organizers Board of the Richard Jones Berwyn Public Library City Gaiman - Chubut, Patagonia - Argentina -


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