General Juan Yagüe Blanco was undoubtedly the best strategist of the Liberation Crusade was released under his command Badajoz and reached the outskirts of Madrid, where his few troops wrote pages glory and heroism, just as they did in the Battle of Ebro in Catalonia until the Liberation. After the war he held several political offices and military and the Air Ministry, General Chief of Army X, ie all the Protectorate troops up to take the Captaincy General of Military Region VI.
other hand, their human qualities were equal or even superior to the military. I will not mention here but who is interested in approaching the most complete biography of the Phalange military has a good chance through the book "Yagüe. General Franco's Falange, Luis E. Togores in Education Books. Burning Man, visceral, but above all loyalty purge, was exiled by Franco's order without incurring loss of their loyalty and friendship with his classmate and head.
I'll just refer to his chapter on the welfare of its people, San Leonardo, Soria. This was a small town, late, with land of poor quality and scarce resources which were the logging of community forests, a minor and supplementary livestock and some waterfalls and flour mills. In short, an austere town.
With the advent of the Captaincy General Yagüe based in Burgos, in addition to the huge social work done in the English capital will be poured into improving the lives of their neighbors in the village of his birth. In summary these were his main initiatives in San Leonardo, as a review Togores:
- Management of public forest, timber production increased by 400%.
- Construction of 12 houses for civil servants, with four bedrooms, water and light.
- Construction of 110 farmers house with three bedrooms, water and electricity, as well as a stable for six animals, barn and granary.
- Construction of 54 homes for artisans, with four bedrooms.
- Brought water for the village from a distance of 17 kilometers, with sanitation.
- Creation of an industrial complex of sawmill, kiln and woodworking shop that gave work to 300 workers.
- mechanical Tejera 30 workers, who gave service to the entire region, selling even Barcelona.
- irrigation of 80 hectares, under the banner of self-sufficiency, achieving autabastecimiento of vegetables, legumes and tubers.
- Establishment of a colony for vacationers to 550 people.
- Construction of a public swimming pool, commissary for workers, cooperative, craft workshop to make wooden toys, model slaughterhouse, stables for cattle and horse studs, public utility shed, feed mill and bakery mechanical apartment together for the miller and baker, new cemetery, Home Producer, Home Front Youth, movie theater, ambulatory, Civil Guard barracks for twenty numbers.
For all these reasons the people almost tripled its population in the twenty years following the war and perpetual gratitude was appointed mayor by adding the name of the town council for what became San Leonardo de Yagüe, erecting a monument in his honor in the main square.
And there was the sculpture until it was Jesus a bastard named Elvira, PP mayor of the town and cowardly excuse zapateril Law of Historical Lies, tore down the monument while mockery was covered himself and his people. Never a people due to both a man and never stooping over a people so miserable.
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