Thursday, May 19, 2011
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"LICENSES" Checking
Today is one of those days of sorrow. And I guess that sentence of mine, "the song says, is that who feels compelled to renounce their small plot of freedom day in, day out. My blood boil and I have to shut up. What a pity not to be young! To reveal, not to be aware that the rebellion is useless. Or ... does serve? I would be so, but the experience they give me the years I have found that the only thing you usually get is change powers. At first it may be, to heat up the chair, which happens too soon. That's take off you, for I myself was installs quickly. And back again. Years pass, but nothing changes. Unless a / a same, he gets older and wrinkled, the soul more than any other site. Now we have young people in the street making his own the motto of a man of 93 years, with a past as a soldier, escaped from German concentration camps, and assistant editors of the Universal Rights of Man, who advised them resent as an engine of change. Stéphane Hessel, who has sold over 85,000 copies of his book reveal to you ", he tells young people: Look around you, find the elements that justify your anger. Find situations that I take a strong citizen action. Search and find. already believe there are grounds for outrage, but not only young people who today are in the street, there is no age limit to feel that discomfort that produce injustice, shamelessness of unpresentable few who have seized the world. Morality, religion misunderstood-and worst practices, "the much-vaunted values, which some have not, although apparently wants, fears that inspire in citizens, hard workers in good faith, the poor fools that we we crush, we laugh their thanks and celebrate their successes-sometimes we want to be them, not us that feed on pride, and we suck blood. Ya!, You have noticed that today I am very burned. Yes, I am. I very much regret not being able to agree, a thousand euros a month I make this impossible. But do not be silent forever, one day, the least expected, I'll tell you, tell you everything. It can be fun, but do not usually laugh at anyone, not my style, but the ignorance maintained despite evidence are sometimes very suitable for the mockery. Today I was told that a misspelling is a licensed , and have forced me to write. And I did not hear of such a thing, and keep quiet, that's what I get paid. I will never stop being an ignorant, that's not news to me. I'm wondering if closer to the Plaza Mayor to make common cause with young people, to vindicate a license that allows me to not have to swallow cars and carts. No more story, that I understood too well. For something changed should start by sweeping at home, should do so from below. I do not know what I think a day of anger, tomorrow ... I will continue to temporize, do not say why, as I wrote above.

Monday, April 25, 2011
Barbie Lil Trail Rider Atv

If the great works on the civil war are already written and little seems to be made in this regard, the production of specific works, personal or sectoral still occur at a rapid pace and are used to zoom in close and intimate what was the race. Nevertheless, we must separate the wheat from the chaff, the story concerned and from the truth or propaganda directly.
A month ago, visiting a bookstore called Santander bought two of these works, with different characteristics but both recommended.
The first is entitled Journal of war. A three-year hiatus (1936-1939). Its author is Luis Garcia Guinea, Palencia of Saldaña exercise as a notary in places like Cervera de Pisuerga, Yeste, Cieza, Elche and Santander, where he died in 1979 at age 64.
A García Guinea was surprised by the outbreak of war Naveda vacationing where his family had a house, moving to Palencia months later for fear of reprisals. Volunteer enrolled in Requetes is sent to the Monte Bernorio position where its baptism of fire, occupying positions eloquent names such as "advance" or "the parapet of death." He was also in other positions as the Cota 990, or The Moral and other fronts, such as Avila, Segovia, Extremadura and Asturias and as acting lieutenant. Human story, in diary form that combines love and war, the military and amorous escapades in a conflict of extreme violence, easy to read and life style.
was published in 2005 by Culture and Communication-
The second is entitled North Front. Memory of a Civil War combatant. the book is published by the Institute of Secondary Education "Valle del Saja" Cabezón de la Sal and is presented by Emilio Carrera, former Member Communist and member of Idcan defector, acting head of the Department of Geography and History of that school. Is divided into three parts, the first by Manuel García Alonso dealing with archaeological evidence supporting the face of Santander, small but not too deep, recommending here for the fans of this theme, the work entitled War Civil. Geography and Archaeology of the Northern Front Miguel Angel Fraile López.
The second part corresponds to the memories of Feliciano Lopez Gutierrez, a resident of the town of Quintanamanil, Campoo Yuso, mobilized by the Army Red 18. While here the story is more confusing, with many details and blurring of facts and data gaps, this man makes the story even detracts history. After participating in fortification work was sold to the combat forces enlisted in the 3rd Company of the Brigade 109. After various adventures in different parts of the front, Bricia, Vizcaya, Asturias, after various comings and goings and especially under the fire escapes of aviation reach the town of Revilla de Camargo, from whose popular shrine was arriving at the main intersection of town to the outposts of the Littorio Division, which is bundled with other colleagues.
After a stint in the prison camp located in the football stadium reaches of Corban, which comes, after checking his attitude and descent during the Red Terror, to be sent to Deusto, where after further inspection is enrolled in National Army and sent to the Headquarters Quartermaster Burgos, where it came from Guadalajara, in charge of the Administration in liberated areas, with prisoners of war to his office.
ends with a biographical sketch where we know the later life of the author, personal effort came to play several positions in the English Glass and Rene de Piélagos factory in Avilés, bringing the technical and administrative work and part of FASA RENAULT relations, retiring in mid 1981. In short, a self-made man in a Spain where merit and the desire to improve led to success.
is a remarkable story of escape, lost in the fog and catch one of their colleagues and their subsequent implementation to cry Viva Cristo Rey!. It also draws attention to the error, with good or bad faith, as appropriate, the matter of the bombing of Barrio Obrero del Rey and the subsequent retaliation red. The Left always claimed and seeks to justify the murders Alfonso Pérez prison ship putting it on the same plane as the referred bombing. On Sunday December 27 occurred the first bombing of the National Aviation Santander. 9 Junkers 52 accompanied by another 9 Heinkel 51 escort attacked on two sets of pumps, one directed against the railroad station of the Coast, which were believed Asturian battalions returning from Vitoria failed offensive by the Red Army and had left hours earlier, and another directed against the Maria Cristina barracks of the High Street. Neither red nor the anti-aircraft aviation did nothing, despite the bombastic government news the next day. Unfortunately the low Viewers precision bombing of the time led some of the bombs fell on the headquarters for the said district, vicinity, resulting in a quarantine of large numbers killed and wounded, of which at least five died later. It was a tragic error of war in action became a drain promoted and protected by government authorities where they left her life savagely murdered one hundred and sixty prisoners apart from other people executed in the cemetery and the Faro Cabo Mayor, in the greatest crime known in this land. But that is another story.
Ultimately, two highly recommended reading to understand the small history, not seen in the monumental works on the war.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
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, a story of song and dance

In 1948 he made the first trip of the Songs and Dances from Hispanic lands. Yes, Songs and Dances of the Women 'they did in a year by the rich tradition and folk music from all the lands of Spain in a year that the full panoply of pseudoidentitarios CANTAMAÑANAS minions of the current liberals, ADIC, so this land that touches included. Maruja
Sampelayo Delegate Council for Culture and the groups decided to make that first trip to Portugal, Brazil and Argentina. Aznar gave the shipping company for this purpose the Monte Albertia in very favorable conditions. Marched on this expedition groups: Bilbao, Logroño, Asturias, La Coruña, Seville, Lleida, Caceres, Malaga and Zaragoza.
The reception was almost always tremendous, even by those enemies of the regime, went into exile in those countries and that, nevertheless, could not help but feel excitement to women, music and dance their traditional homeland will, but sometimes there was any unpleasant incident.
who now account held in Mexico, where they were consummate aggression elsewhere had just planned but not carried out by the nostalgia for the lost homeland. In this case reached to bomb the theater where he played the Santander group. Were in full dancing when the device exploded and after races, and finished screaming and the noise scares again hear the rhythm of the dance known as Baila Ibio, with the conch so imperturbable.
Monday, March 28, 2011
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Telediario socialist chain, La 1, he mentioned that kind of "military service" which was the Social Assistance, as part of the Women's Section. After the usual lies and half truths to which we are accustomed to media liars of socialism Masonic service should make certain clarifications.
It was not Franco educate women, but the woman in full, English, aware of their rights and obligations and aspired to real equality with men without forgetting that men and women, not being equal have different roles in society. The woman has, as the first, most important and unique role of motherhood and he must devote most of all. But we go to certain aspects silenced by the socialist that we all pay television.
One of the main achievements of the Women 'in addition to wear and extend the basic culture of women, develop and protect folklore better equip rural women, was to get the promulgation of the Law on Political Rights, Labor and Professional Women , issued in 1961. It seeks to expand what is already collected in previous fundamental laws as the Labour Law or the Charter of the English, which was already recognized a principle of equality and the right of women to participate in politics by voting and being elected to any charges except those of holding the head of state. However, the role of women after the war is shrinking from public life.
To end this state of affairs the Women's Section moves to enact a law to declare unambiguously the right of women to participate in politics, develop professionally and to open the labor market. Board was created to prepare the draft law consists of: Fraga, Lamo de Espinosa, Tena, Labadie, Fray Justo Perez de Urbel, Pilar de Balle, Carmen Salinas and Pilar Primo de Rivera. The Act, after being sent the draft to all attorneys and was widely adopted as regulations were repealed under opposed or hindered women's access to social and working life, although remaining limitations on the judicial career . These limitations were removed by another law itself Pilar Primo de Rivera introduced December 27, 1966. In 1973 the Women's Section Get it for family law reform, eliminating the loss of English nationality to the woman who married a foreigner, parental authority by which the husband was the absolute master of family life and to end the marital license that women lose their rights once they married. Thanks to Carmen Salinas or Bethlehem Landáburu drafted the project approved in the House of the Parliament on 29 April 1975.
Therefore, we can say that the struggle for equal rights for women began with the Women's Section much time before the liberals and progressives out of their burrows earlier and more effectively than when these monstrosities of femininity that are anti feminists would open these middens that are mouth trumpeting this "we parimos we decide." In short, with the Women's Section became women with feminist "man." The beauty, intelligence, decency and conscience against the vulgarity, the animal and degeneration.
Thank you, Pilar.
Monday, March 7, 2011
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Last Friday, the March 4, 1977 anniversary of the act of theater Calderón held in 1934 to make public the merger agreement signed between English and JONS Falange, a dozen comrades, members of the National Association of English Falange flags, held the second dinner of Charlemagne.
As in the previous set, there was no shortage of deer skin over a chair, "as a tribute to the guest would not attend, nor the three lit candles, along with the flag Falangist, presiding over the room.
While the first dinner, the president of the Brotherhood read the chapter of our comrade José Luis Jerez Riesco, "Madrid of the Falange", which refers to the Paris hotel and dinner of Charlemagne this time we have the presence of the author, who after presenting a brief chronology of historical events that occurred on March 4th at different times, focused on March 4, 1934, with great detail what happened that day and the curious anecdotes this day revolutionary.
Brotherhood President presented the honorary membership card of the Brotherhood Comrade Jose Luis, who asked not to be honorary but effective.
After dinner, songs Falangists filled the room.
As in the previous set, there was no shortage of deer skin over a chair, "as a tribute to the guest would not attend, nor the three lit candles, along with the flag Falangist, presiding over the room.
While the first dinner, the president of the Brotherhood read the chapter of our comrade José Luis Jerez Riesco, "Madrid of the Falange", which refers to the Paris hotel and dinner of Charlemagne this time we have the presence of the author, who after presenting a brief chronology of historical events that occurred on March 4th at different times, focused on March 4, 1934, with great detail what happened that day and the curious anecdotes this day revolutionary.
Brotherhood President presented the honorary membership card of the Brotherhood Comrade Jose Luis, who asked not to be honorary but effective.
After dinner, songs Falangists filled the room.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
κοδικοι Carbon
Speech on July 8 1968 with the inauguration of the monument to the Navy and the Indian Castilla, Peña Cabarga erected by the Hon. Mr. Admiral D. Pedro Nieto Antúnez, Minister of Marine.
"Excellencies. Gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen,
Everything that begins to be, everything that opens, contains in itself a clear symbol of expectation, a promising embryo contingency, an eloquent advance fruitful future realities. Where, as in this case happens, what comes further part in the spirit that animates it, that the material in the reports, when the new is more heat than it is stated that the stone cold over which hovers the structure has to see clearly before the more anxious anticipation, the most hopeful of the possibilities and realities for the spirit.
This agile and slender Santander monument that stands at the Marina de Castilla and the emigrant recalled forward to many generations of English and foreign seamen who may sail the endless waters lie down there is how real, and many respects similar vocational response to a call of the sea that is, those that serve a Marina and here are those who for various circumstances seek new lives overseas. The Castilla marine sea yesterday and today Castilla given to his profession with the illusion that gives them the deep conviction of the perennial need Castile and Spain have had to have seamen. The emigrant, ocean circustancial for vital needs, becomes convinced too, though perhaps without deliberate awareness of what the sea link, path, middle, is and will for what he identified with his sacrifice has bravely decided to be.
La Marina de Castilla, covering historical and secular in its surveillance for the sake of the whole land azimuth horizon, looked in preference to the north and west. The immigrant, forced to make the painful tug on the material has to uproot the soil, looking Likewise sea \u200b\u200banxious that tends the Septentrion and generous overseas lands that lie far to the west, to such bountiful American sod in which Castile, Aragon and Spain left the most fruitful of his centuries, the youngest of their lives and the more effective perhaps his heart and soul. Hence the symbol stone sea mountain illustrious names in their lofty pilasters facing northwest, to launch the imagination of the beholder the bright beam of light to the land which gave and Castilla whenever and wherever they are and will sons of Spain, and which projects into the sea his broken ramp in wistful desire to facilitate the departure of which start today and joyful attempt at the same time, promote the return of those with more years, without youth perhaps, but more love what they left in their day, choose to return to what will never be his .
coincidentally also happy to give birth to this monument in one of the days of the week Naval de Santander, one of these days chosen by the Navy to bring more intensity and sea best wishes to all English. There is nothing better to demonstrate and convince the realities that perpetuate genuinely eloquent symbols. These stones have always vouch for what the sea was, what the sea has to be for Castile and Spain. So I want to leave my public words on record the gratitude of the Navy to Santander and their children: the recognition of the Navy to land on the Mount and to the Highlanders who understand and love the sea. Thank you for what is already done, thank you for what you are doing, thanks, anyway, so you will have to do relentlessly.
these stones, these suggestive forms and attractive, consecrate the great truth of the sea, that the symbolic light of this beacon illuminating the voyages of the children of Castile and Spain want to decide on hours or transatlantic lives, that names carved into them are dynamic example for young people eager seafaring adventures, that the appearance from the Northern Sea submit their projected lines against the bright blue sky peninsular remember the rider of any latitude the renewed vigorous response from Spain and the English to the call of the sea, which fortunately is booming for new long and calls us together from all corners of the compass rose, and, finally, no one thinks that today or tomorrow before this monument forget what the Navy, Santander, Castilla, Spain as a whole, their land and Men must and we will always to the sea that gives life. "
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Cryptic Clue For Place Names
In the summer of 1968 took place in Santander an event of great importance and interest to Santander in particular and the Highlanders in general, I refer to the II Marine Week, held two years after the first held in Barcelona. The maneuvers and parades, of which you can see some scenes at the end of the film The marine gold cuffs, with Pedro Carrasco, was added the possibility to witness the English Navy ships moored in the port including the presence of Daedalus aircraft carrier. turn took place on July 7 the Pledge of Allegiance and delivery of shipments in the spring Promotion Calderón call Santander, in the presence of the Head of State. Also developed a series of lectures later, were released by the Honourable Provincial de Santander. Conference titles, authors and the scene where they taught were:
- The sea as a source of work, by Commander Don Jesus Salgado Alba, at the Provincial Delegation of Trade Unions.
- The sea in the painting, by the Academic Excellency Mr. José Camon Aznar, cruise aboard the Canary Islands.
- The sea economically, socially and politically, by His Excellency Rear Admiral Don Leopoldo Boado Endeiza at the Ateneo de Santander.
- Past, present and future of Puerto de Castilla, by His Excellency Mr. Fernando M ª de Pereda Aparicio, in the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation.
- Pledge of Allegiance, by the illustrious Lord DonJosé Ramon Caamaño Fernández, Captain and Chief of the Naval Academy in the spring of Calderon.
- Tribute to the Navy, the Admiral Sir Don Pedro Nieto Antúnez, Secretary of the Navy, aboard the cruise Canarias.
- Navy Memorial Castilla, His Excellency, Don Pedro de Escalante and Huidobro, in Cabarga Peña.
- Monumento a la Marina de Castilla, the Minister of the Navy, Don Pedro Nieto Antúnez.
- Considerations about the future Law Association, the Provincial Delegate of Trade Unions, Don Alfonso Manso de las Moras, to the House Association.
- Towards a marine policy, the Minister of the Navy, Don Pedro Nieto Antúnez, in the auditorium of the University Menéndez Pelayo .
- Santoña navalde base Carlist War, by Don Rafael González Echegaray, Director of the Cultural Institution of Cantabria, Santoña.
- Trilogy fishing by Capt. Don E $ nrique Pelluz Arévalo, in Laredo.
- The naval problem of Spain, by the Commander, Don Salvador Moreno Reina in Castro Urdiales.
- Navy in peace, by the Commander, Don José María Calvo Zumalacárregui in the Chamber of Commerce of Torrelavega.
For your interest, it will play in next posts two or three of the shorter speeches.
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