If the great works on the civil war are already written and little seems to be made in this regard, the production of specific works, personal or sectoral still occur at a rapid pace and are used to zoom in close and intimate what was the race. Nevertheless, we must separate the wheat from the chaff, the story concerned and from the truth or propaganda directly.
A month ago, visiting a bookstore called Santander bought two of these works, with different characteristics but both recommended.
The first is entitled Journal of war. A three-year hiatus (1936-1939). Its author is Luis Garcia Guinea, Palencia of Saldaña exercise as a notary in places like Cervera de Pisuerga, Yeste, Cieza, Elche and Santander, where he died in 1979 at age 64.
A García Guinea was surprised by the outbreak of war Naveda vacationing where his family had a house, moving to Palencia months later for fear of reprisals. Volunteer enrolled in Requetes is sent to the Monte Bernorio position where its baptism of fire, occupying positions eloquent names such as "advance" or "the parapet of death." He was also in other positions as the Cota 990, or The Moral and other fronts, such as Avila, Segovia, Extremadura and Asturias and as acting lieutenant. Human story, in diary form that combines love and war, the military and amorous escapades in a conflict of extreme violence, easy to read and life style.
was published in 2005 by Culture and Communication-
The second is entitled North Front. Memory of a Civil War combatant. the book is published by the Institute of Secondary Education "Valle del Saja" Cabezón de la Sal and is presented by Emilio Carrera, former Member Communist and member of Idcan defector, acting head of the Department of Geography and History of that school. Is divided into three parts, the first by Manuel García Alonso dealing with archaeological evidence supporting the face of Santander, small but not too deep, recommending here for the fans of this theme, the work entitled War Civil. Geography and Archaeology of the Northern Front Miguel Angel Fraile López.
The second part corresponds to the memories of Feliciano Lopez Gutierrez, a resident of the town of Quintanamanil, Campoo Yuso, mobilized by the Army Red 18. While here the story is more confusing, with many details and blurring of facts and data gaps, this man makes the story even detracts history. After participating in fortification work was sold to the combat forces enlisted in the 3rd Company of the Brigade 109. After various adventures in different parts of the front, Bricia, Vizcaya, Asturias, after various comings and goings and especially under the fire escapes of aviation reach the town of Revilla de Camargo, from whose popular shrine was arriving at the main intersection of town to the outposts of the Littorio Division, which is bundled with other colleagues.
After a stint in the prison camp located in the football stadium reaches of Corban, which comes, after checking his attitude and descent during the Red Terror, to be sent to Deusto, where after further inspection is enrolled in National Army and sent to the Headquarters Quartermaster Burgos, where it came from Guadalajara, in charge of the Administration in liberated areas, with prisoners of war to his office.
ends with a biographical sketch where we know the later life of the author, personal effort came to play several positions in the English Glass and Rene de Piélagos factory in Avilés, bringing the technical and administrative work and part of FASA RENAULT relations, retiring in mid 1981. In short, a self-made man in a Spain where merit and the desire to improve led to success.
is a remarkable story of escape, lost in the fog and catch one of their colleagues and their subsequent implementation to cry Viva Cristo Rey!. It also draws attention to the error, with good or bad faith, as appropriate, the matter of the bombing of Barrio Obrero del Rey and the subsequent retaliation red. The Left always claimed and seeks to justify the murders Alfonso Pérez prison ship putting it on the same plane as the referred bombing. On Sunday December 27 occurred the first bombing of the National Aviation Santander. 9 Junkers 52 accompanied by another 9 Heinkel 51 escort attacked on two sets of pumps, one directed against the railroad station of the Coast, which were believed Asturian battalions returning from Vitoria failed offensive by the Red Army and had left hours earlier, and another directed against the Maria Cristina barracks of the High Street. Neither red nor the anti-aircraft aviation did nothing, despite the bombastic government news the next day. Unfortunately the low Viewers precision bombing of the time led some of the bombs fell on the headquarters for the said district, vicinity, resulting in a quarantine of large numbers killed and wounded, of which at least five died later. It was a tragic error of war in action became a drain promoted and protected by government authorities where they left her life savagely murdered one hundred and sixty prisoners apart from other people executed in the cemetery and the Faro Cabo Mayor, in the greatest crime known in this land. But that is another story.
Ultimately, two highly recommended reading to understand the small history, not seen in the monumental works on the war.
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