Saturday, May 29, 2010
New Free Indian Channel Frequency 2010
is so short and so in brief: send your work to Escorto NOW, because this Friday May 21 is the deadline to send work to the Escorial (no matter if they arrive later if the postmark is May 21). Ya. Run. Post. Everything
Friday, May 28, 2010
Woman Volleyball Brasil Rs
International Film Festival Morelia
We are a Festival dedicated to promoting new talent in Mexico. Our call is only open for artists and producers in Mexico. Check out the rules.
International Film Festival of Morelia, in its eighth year, invites filmmakers and producers of films, documentaries and feature films.
International Film Festival of Morelia, in its eighth year, invites filmmakers and producers of films, documentaries and feature films.
The Festival features four competitive sections
Mexican Short
be able to register all Mexican films completed in the period 2009 - 2010, for a maximum of forty minutes, in fiction and animation, which final format is 35mm or HD and have not been registered in previous editions of FICM. Since is FICM officially recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, USA, the short film winners in the categories of fiction and animation may be considered for Oscar ® nomination . filmed shorts are not acceptable for promotional purposes, which have been presented on television, distributed commercially on DVD or online for free. If allowed to have been distributed over the Internet with restricted user code. Mexican Documentary
may be registered all Mexican documentary short and feature films (any length) ended in the period 2009 to 2010, whose final format is 35mm or HD and have not been exhibited commercially, or registered in previous editions of FICM. Mexican Feature
all be able to register Mexican feature films completed in the period 2009 - 2010, only first or second films, whose final format is 35mm or HD and have not been released commercially in other festivals in Mexico or registered in previous editions of FICM. Section Michoacana
All work will be considered for the Short Film Section, Documentary or Feature Mexican and must meet the same requirements for registration. Those Michoacan jobs that do not participate in the previous sections will be considered for Section Michoacana. The winner of this section will automatically go to the relevant national competition.
The works will be chosen by a Selection Committee, whose decision is final.
Each section will have an international jury of renowned specialists who will award the winners of each competition section. Besides the awards mentioned above, the jury has the power to award Special Mentions.
Screenplay Competition Short Michoacan
bases. AWARDS
In national competition sections will be awarded a short fiction film, an animated short, a short documentary, a feature documentary and a feature film. Each prize consists of The Eye, sculptural piece designed by artist Javier Marin Michoacan, a diploma and $ 100,000 pesos in cash.
Michoacan work will be rewarded with The Eye, a diploma and $ 50.000 pesos in cash.
Michoacan script will be awarded with a diploma short film and $ 10.000 pesos in cash. Guidelines
The Eighth FICM
be held from 16 al 24 October 2010 in the city of Morelia, Michoacán.
workers enrolled could be selected to participate in the parallel sections of the Festival out of competition.
workers enrolled could be selected to participate in the parallel sections of the Festival out of competition.
Selected works could be part of national and international exhibitions in which it participates FICM throughout the year.
To register your work, interested parties must complete the registration form available at and submit two DVD copies labeled as indicated in the regulations, to any office Festival from the publication of this announcement until Friday
June 4, 2010 at 17:00
The list of selected papers will be posted on our website and published in major newspapers on Friday August 6, 2010 .
Registration jobs to FICM constitutes acceptance of the rules of this competition.
For more information:
Office in Morelia: Melchor Ocampo 35
Col. Centro, 58000
Morelia, Michoacán Phone: (443) 317-7801 and 02
City Office Mexico:
Orizaba 101, int. 101 Col. Roma Norte
Mexico City. CP. 06700 Phone and Fax (55) 5511-5150
Phone (55) 1054-6797
Monday to Friday from 10:30 to 14:30 / rss20.xml
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
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The Film and Video Festival of El Escorial as its main objective the promotion and dissemination of short films that will contribute to development of film language. PARTICIPATION
The festival area is national and open to all directors and / or producers of English nationality or settled in Spain.
next section is established in competition:
- Each contestant may submit as many films as they wish, provided they have been made after January 1, 2009 and have not participated in previous editions.
- all the short films will be accepted regardless of original format in which they were produced (film or video) which do not exceed 30 minutes.
unspoken works in Castilian must be subtitled in that language. The theme is open and accepted short fiction, animation, experimental and documentary.
REGISTRATION Registration is free and the festival will be formalized by the director, producer or their legal representatives.
order to participate must be sent:
- 2 DVD of each work, boxes with title and name of the director and / or producer.
- A promotional CD which includes: Poster of the short, technical and artistic form, Filmography of the director / s, 2 photographs of the film (300 dpi) photo of the director / s, digital photocopy of ID card (both faces) of the person or entity making the registration the film and optionally short informational material (press-book).
- Registration Form can be downloaded from ACE or
shipping costs of the works are the responsibility of the person making the registration. All material requested for the entry must be mailed to the following address: 2010 ESCORT
IV Festival Short Film Cultural Center
El Escorial El Escorial-Madrid 28280
For more information contact the festival via:
e-mail: Phone :699143928-658672378
The DVD sent for selection will be used for screening at the festival and will become part of the festival archive. This may be used freely for promotional and non-profit provided inside or outside the Festival. TERM
The deadline for admission of the shorts will be on May 21, 2010. SELECTION
on days 24, 25 and June 26, 2010 .
The projection system will be solely and exclusively on DVD and will be done through video projector movie screen. JURY
shall be composed of professionals from the film and culture, and its decision shall final.
The jury may declare any of the prizes. AWARDS
The jury awarded the following prizes:
EDISON "City of El Escorial" BEST SHORT FILM and 1000 €
Best Director for Best Actor
EDISON for Best Actress at
EDISON the best production management
the best photography EDISON EDISON for best art direction EDISON the best music the best sound
Best Screenplay Best Editing
the best digital effects / animation ESCORT
the best hair and makeup for Best Costume
All financial awards are subject to deductions as determined by law.
must attend at least one team member to collect the award, if any shown not to attend the prize, the prize will be awarded to the second most voted by the jury and so on. PROMOTION
producers of selected films in both sections authorize the festival to use a fragment of his work, limited to 10% of the total duration not exceeding 3 minutes, for possible dissemination and promotion any means communication.
The festival assumes that the participants hold the rights to exhibit and promote the works and material accounting and declines any responsibility for the violation of this rule. BASES AGREEMENT
The festival assumes that the participants hold the rights to exhibit and promote the works and material accounting and declines any responsibility for the violation of this rule. BASES AGREEMENT
Participation in Escort '10 - IV Festival Short Film El Escorial implies full acceptance of these rules, and the resolution by the festival of any event not listed in them.
PDF discipline with some knowledge of acting you want to expand, or you want to buy from a beginner level. AGENDA
PDF discipline with some knowledge of acting you want to expand, or you want to buy from a beginner level. AGENDA
Day 1 - Heat - Theory "The actor before the camera, you need to know"
- The body "I'm too sexy."
Day 2 - Improvisation "The picture"
- Improvisation "Film noir"
- References acting
Day 3 - Cine Mexicano - Improvisation "The door" - First approach to a casting
Zechariah. Mexican actress graduated
Contemporary Theater Forum Ludwik Margules. He has worked on national and international film productions under the direction of Jaime Humberto Hermosillo, Mariano Barroso, Martin Campbell, Carlos Carrera, Javier Patrón Fox, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Alex Rivera, Julián Hernández, Gael García Bernal and Bigas Luna, among other renowned filmmakers . * Minimum Age 18 years *
* Space is limited to 20 participants *
* Fee Recovery $ 100.00 *
The course will be held in Room Multipurpose the offices of the Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia, located in:
Melchor Ocampo Colonia Centro 35
Morelia, Michoacán 58000
For more information:
Phone: (443) 317-7801 and 02
Susana Juárez:
Ireland Nadia Anaya:
Course Introduction to the movie camera given by Giovanna Zacarias
Tuesday 27 to Thursday 29 April 2010 18:00 to 21:00
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Indian Wedding Lenghas With Trails
FALANGE chaplains

was notable performance of many men of God framed in different units who formed the National Army for the Liberation Crusade. Some cases are known as the Jesuit Fathers Huidobro and Knight, in the 4 º and 10 º respectively Legion flags, others not so.
This time I will mention the priest D. Torrijos Salvador Berges, chaplain of the Falange. Was among the first priests to go to barracks and hand Castillejos, already Falange chaplain took part in the conquest of Belchite and elbow after she asked for and got a destination in the column Phalangists, led by left San Sebastian Sagardía . Upon being appointed lieutenant-chaplain was assigned to the sixth Flag Castilla, then stationed near Toledo. Participate in the campaign Sagardía Column In the region of La Lora being assigned to their land of Aragon when he began the offensive against Santander after 10 months of holding positions on the moors to the north of Burgos bordering Mountain.
Torrijos Father himself explains why it is chaplain of the Falange. The answer came by José Antonio in person when, in his last visit to Alcañiz and after Mass, was questioned by the pater as follows: "Boss! What do I need to be chaplain of the Falange? and José Antonio, energy with respect and answered while watching habits: "Need, Father, be a humble priest, active and far from the comforts." the Pater asked: "all?" to what the Chief said, "nothing more. That was Christ." Father did not hesitate a moment and put under the orders of the founder of the Falange.
Torrijos Father collected in a book his impressions and experiences during the war, from the beginning to the Triumphal Year III, being published in the Year of Victory. Chapters written in Belchite, Elbow, Burgos, Cabañas de Ebro, Campino, Population Up, Lorilla and other places where he had his work to comfort the combatants, and provide spiritual help to prisoners so requested before the operator accountable to the decision of human justice.
highlight of the rich narrative nothing but a chapter on a red field escaped after being questioned and fed as a believer and was found carrying a picture of Christ Clean. Rioja Falangists camp wanted to greet the new comrade who had fled the Anti Spain and returned to the bosom of the fatherland. Emulating the parable of the prodigal son, the Pater writes:
Wandering! If you fought against Spain nilly, Spain, your homeland, your mother, welcomes you with open arms. Your brothers, the front also celebrate your arrival. But ... I shudder to think that far back, in the rear, you could find other brothers, few who do not receive well. Maybe you look with eyes of envy, resentment and anger ... As the older brother of the parable. Fear for his "plug" for disorderly ambitions, its Office of Profit ... you think, escaped, they were going to usurp ... and you make war, you might be accused of red, for having fought in the army Marxist, but those are the ones who care do not stop in the figure of Christ, when raising his arm and extending his hand over the crowd, forgave, those will be those who will not look at the noble attitude of the father of the prodigal son ... who also pardoned.
Each chapter has a dedication, there are a Yagüe, Millán Astray, Don Juan de León, captain of the 6 th Bandera de Castilla, D. José Palacios, Father of the 4 th Company of the 5th Battalion, Don Angel Labrador, chaplain of the Falange in Burgos, D. Sagardía Antonio Ramos and many others, topped by that of the Fallen for God, for Spain and fascism in defense of civilization. I'm quoting
the dedication to our head:
A José Antonio Primo de Rivera:
Saying, "To the eternal questions of life and death, we must answer with the Catholic affirmation."
These words of a head, marked paths of glory.
they Let shouting UP SPAIN!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Phantom Periods After Menopause
film is presented revealing testimonials about influenza in Mexico a year after the start of the epidemic in our country
The film "The benefit of the doubt" by Mexican artist Isaac Torres, media projection reveals that had the H1N1 Influenza in Mexico and its consequences the population of our country and the international society through a series of witnesses, never before seen people who were in contact with the virus.
The event is this Saturday, April 24
. at 13:00 hrs
. in Pasagüero
For reasons beyond CHANGE OF VENUE AND TIME OF DISPLAY Film "The benefit of the doubt."
be presented this Saturday 24 April at 12:00 hrs. in the bunker in the Hotel Condesa DF,
Veracruz 102, Col. Condesa.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Any questions or comments, please Gina Jaramillo at 5277-5352 Ext. 108, cell: 04455 5437 9787 or email:
Monday, May 3, 2010
Bmi Charts For Women China
Studies Center Baja California Film
From May 12 to November 12 (250hrs) Schedule: Thursday, Friday from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
The objective of this diploma is to provide basic general knowledge that will serve as a solid basis as a producer and film director.
The course is designed so that at the time you take the lesson, you put it into practice in a professional manner, so that upon graduation salts able to work in professional productions and make a film.
Graduate profile:
Upon graduating from the diploma you have several options:
- Make your own movies
- Working on productions at a basic level general - Make your own movies
- Perform specialties:
Script writing, direction, film photography, production , art direction, makeup, special effects, sound, editing, etc.. And so in a more specialized work in key positions. As: Producer, Director, Cinematographer, Art Director, etc.
addition by specialists will be more prepared to make, your own quality films both as an artistic work or industrial.
Seven years of experience behind us, plus more than 300 alumni, some of them active in the film industry in Baja California, the rest of the country, UAE, Cuba, Spain, England, New Zealand.
advantage. Do not waste your time, you live once, go to the machine world of dreams and make yours a reality.
Film History, Language Film, Genres, semiotics of cinema, Elements of image analysis, intertextuality, aesthetics, analysis models.
Teacher: Nadia Karla Morales. Scriptwriting
The script is the detailed description in literary form what will be a movie. The student will develop their creativity using the tools for the design of a screenplay. Through a collective approach will be carried out by creating a story with a strong dramatic structure, as well as characters, dialogue, time, scenes, etc..
Duration: 22 hours.
-Teacher: Nadia Karla Morales.
The student will learn the basic operation of motion picture cameras 35mm and 16mm. At the same time learn about the basic features of the tools of cinematography such as: light, film, filters, optics, etc. In short learn how to create the image of a film, using professional technique, both films made film, as digital video and HD.
Duration: 22 hours
Teacher: Raul Rodriguez. (Director and Dir Fotografia.) Stage Management
The stage management course aims to provide general theoretical and practical foundations of the speech stage, through analysis, discussion and the exposure of the constituent elements of staging.
Duration: 22 hours. PRODUCTION
The student will learn the foundations for a professional film production, making use of common resources, using 16mm film professional team. The material includes 2 shorts 1 ~ 5 min. and the final work. The roles or production jobs are rotated among the group, so all will know and be in contact with the responsibilities of each post generates. Also learn how to handle the 16mm camera, the mechanisms of pre-production and production including the forms and paperwork are handled professionally. Duration: 22 hours.
Teacher: Raul Rodriguez. (Director and Dir Fotografia.)
The student will learn techniques and assembly resources that give rhythm, fluency and meaning to the story, making this film a work of art because, as said Sergei Eisenstein, Russian film director and a pillar in the formation current cinematic language: "The cinema is the art of montage."
also learn to use editing software (ADOBE PREMIERE PRO) at the same time it made the trailer for one of the video exercises performed above. cinematography
The student will learn the basic operation of motion picture cameras 35mm and 16mm. At the same time learn about the basic features of the tools of cinematography such as: light, film, filters, optics, etc. In short learn how to create the image of a film, using professional technique, both films made film, as digital video and HD.
Duration: 22 hours
Teacher: Raul Rodriguez. (Director and Dir Fotografia.) Stage Management
Duration: 22 hours. PRODUCTION
The student will learn the foundations for a professional film production, making use of common resources, using 16mm film professional team. The material includes 2 shorts 1 ~ 5 min. and the final work. The roles or production jobs are rotated among the group, so all will know and be in contact with the responsibilities of each post generates. Also learn how to handle the 16mm camera, the mechanisms of pre-production and production including the forms and paperwork are handled professionally. Duration: 22 hours.
Teacher: Raul Rodriguez. (Director and Dir Fotografia.)
Teacher: Denny Armenta.
In this period the student will perform the post-production of the final draft, with the ease of image editing equipment, audio and dubbing room. Be coordinated working days depending on the availability of time students and
Aware of the economic situation so critical for our country happens we sympathize with you so that this is not an impediment to entering this degree.
Total cost: $ 8.300 MN. Registration
$ 500 MN.
MN Monthly payments of $ 1.300.
Payable in one payment $ 7.300
Textbooks MN $ 25 dlls. Material
practices cinema (film, developing, telecine). $ 30.dlls. Credential
$ 6dlls.
course separately.
-Script: $ 1500 MN.
-Analysis and Appreciation: $ 1500 MN.
(If you take two: $ 2.500 MN.)
Production: $ 1.700 MN.
-Address: $ 1.700 MN.
-cinematography: $ 1.700 MN. more than 30 dlls. material.
-Edition: $ 1.700 MN.
Duration: From May 12 to November 12 (250hrs)
Schedule: Thursday, Friday 6:00. 9:00 PM. PM.
# Acct. CECBC. 59401333035795.
Phone: (646) 1 75 07 20, (664) 6 84 38 63,
Cel: (044664) 3 02 75 92.
Address: Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Ensenada BC Golden Valley Campus (School of Art Cove UABC)
Registration Procedure:
1. Banco Azteca deposit in the name of Raul Rodriguez Gutierrez to account:
# Acct. 59401333035795.
The amount of $ 1.800 MN. for registration and payment.
2. Go to the receipt of UABC School of Arts Valle Dorado, deliver a copy of the bank deposit slip with your name, this is very important because it is the only way to know it is you who pay 3. Fill the registration form.
4. Payment of 56 dlls. before the teacher detailed Raúl Rodríguez Gutiérrez. Http://
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I wrote the director Diego López Cotillo:
Dear colleagues,
I have the pleasure to announce that the short film "LETTER FROM FRANCE "(you can see form and information
Promofest ) has been selected for official release in cinemas by the CINES VERDI
Madrid and Barcelona.
The film will be screened in 35mm. on the following dates:
Projection for a week, from day 12 to 18 March 2010, both inclusive. Free admission. Time to be confirmed (I attests this time in particular) VERDI-
CINES MADRID. Screening for six days, from day 26 to March 31, 2010. Free admission. Time to be confirmed (I attests this time in particular).
On March 26 (Friday) will attend in person to the projection in Madrid so I'll be waiting.
A big hug to everyone and I hope you enjoy the short. Diego López Cotillo
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