was notable performance of many men of God framed in different units who formed the National Army for the Liberation Crusade. Some cases are known as the Jesuit Fathers Huidobro and Knight, in the 4 º and 10 º respectively Legion flags, others not so.
This time I will mention the priest D. Torrijos Salvador Berges, chaplain of the Falange. Was among the first priests to go to barracks and hand Castillejos, already Falange chaplain took part in the conquest of Belchite and elbow after she asked for and got a destination in the column Phalangists, led by left San Sebastian Sagardía . Upon being appointed lieutenant-chaplain was assigned to the sixth Flag Castilla, then stationed near Toledo. Participate in the campaign Sagardía Column In the region of La Lora being assigned to their land of Aragon when he began the offensive against Santander after 10 months of holding positions on the moors to the north of Burgos bordering Mountain.
Torrijos Father himself explains why it is chaplain of the Falange. The answer came by José Antonio in person when, in his last visit to Alcañiz and after Mass, was questioned by the pater as follows: "Boss! What do I need to be chaplain of the Falange? and José Antonio, energy with respect and answered while watching habits: "Need, Father, be a humble priest, active and far from the comforts." the Pater asked: "all?" to what the Chief said, "nothing more. That was Christ." Father did not hesitate a moment and put under the orders of the founder of the Falange.
Torrijos Father collected in a book his impressions and experiences during the war, from the beginning to the Triumphal Year III, being published in the Year of Victory. Chapters written in Belchite, Elbow, Burgos, Cabañas de Ebro, Campino, Population Up, Lorilla and other places where he had his work to comfort the combatants, and provide spiritual help to prisoners so requested before the operator accountable to the decision of human justice.
highlight of the rich narrative nothing but a chapter on a red field escaped after being questioned and fed as a believer and was found carrying a picture of Christ Clean. Rioja Falangists camp wanted to greet the new comrade who had fled the Anti Spain and returned to the bosom of the fatherland. Emulating the parable of the prodigal son, the Pater writes:
Wandering! If you fought against Spain nilly, Spain, your homeland, your mother, welcomes you with open arms. Your brothers, the front also celebrate your arrival. But ... I shudder to think that far back, in the rear, you could find other brothers, few who do not receive well. Maybe you look with eyes of envy, resentment and anger ... As the older brother of the parable. Fear for his "plug" for disorderly ambitions, its Office of Profit ... you think, escaped, they were going to usurp ... and you make war, you might be accused of red, for having fought in the army Marxist, but those are the ones who care do not stop in the figure of Christ, when raising his arm and extending his hand over the crowd, forgave, those will be those who will not look at the noble attitude of the father of the prodigal son ... who also pardoned.
Each chapter has a dedication, there are a Yagüe, Millán Astray, Don Juan de León, captain of the 6 th Bandera de Castilla, D. José Palacios, Father of the 4 th Company of the 5th Battalion, Don Angel Labrador, chaplain of the Falange in Burgos, D. Sagardía Antonio Ramos and many others, topped by that of the Fallen for God, for Spain and fascism in defense of civilization. I'm quoting
the dedication to our head:
A José Antonio Primo de Rivera:
Saying, "To the eternal questions of life and death, we must answer with the Catholic affirmation."
These words of a head, marked paths of glory.
they Let shouting UP SPAIN!
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