Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tescos Bread Maker Manual


have ever been in history dedicated people as possible to increase their wealth, but it is certain that the experience had eneseñado the most, only a relatively small number of cases could be rich. For that happening until the end of the eighteenth century that most of the men lived free from a strong tendency to enrich themselves, deriving their capacity to work who provided a different kind of satisfaction to that of accumulating and concentrating capital. Also occurred naturally, they were, so to speak, blinded, shortly before it, the possibilities of wealth. It was small thing that we now call "business." The existing fortunes were feudal, and the families owning them, generally belonging to the nobility, fell far short of delivering money to financial speculators of any kind. On the other hand, trade unions, union companies were ways economic quasi-static, very slight tilt to the adventure.

The advent of mechanization first consequence was to change the picture completely. men were offered numerous ways to get rich quickly. BIOEN The thing was simple. Had made the discovery of beings, machines that produce things much sought by the people, in terms of cost tempting.

The discovery of the mechanical means of producing goods, came the discovery of means of transport to get around making the consumption centers in comfort and in the shortest possible time. The economic result was splendid. Everyone could post the golden orientarseen industrial and commercial, just appeared. There was room for all who were coming because, apart from the world consumed voraciously all products, there was also the possibility, thanks to technical progress and ingenuity distributor, beating rival makers, taking away the market when he got a danger depletion, using more perfect machinery, streamlining the production more efficient and effective organization also transport.

In such a situation, it seemed almost impossible that we can stop the manufacturing process because they could always difficulties be overcome either by the conquest of new markets, either through the use of machines and faster perfect.

not concern us here now but noted a few paragraphs, the immediate cause of the growing frenzy that seized the man in whose power sector was the industrial unit. New industries emerged to thousands, is renewed every time your inventory, always introducing reforms that tended to produce more and more in less time. As, of course, that advanced industrial technology, was to obtain more powerful financial resources to mount large factories, as a side machinery became more expensive by its very complexity and perfection, and another, imposing the vertical organization of production, to accomplish specific cost conditions and winning battles to free competition.

The large profits made by the industrialists came to be used in the form of financial capital for new companies to develop compelling production, the amplification of the old and the acquisition of necessary tools, more and more expensive . The financial capital available is insufficient, and then increased large corporations, banking institutions, who collected the savings and availability from the numerous financial private fortunes, both those made and arising in the process of industrialization, as the old fortunes static, linked to land.

Everything came and went then to the service of world production. Increased each day the ideal of getting rich. New businesses and the significant broadening of the old, continued to require great financial resources. These were obtained through various forms of speculation and credit management. Only inexhaustible and continuous successes achieved, ie, producing more and better every day, I could really go holding speculative formidable apparatus weighed on global production network.

An economic system as well, production indefinitely, and base to go with the shackle maquinístico imprisoning more and more financial and human conditions in which production takes place, holds tremendous contradictions. For the moment it appears, for big industry, the slightest hint of crisis, a forced reduction in production, would find that, having prepared the conditions for the reverse, ie to further increase performance, a decrease would ruin their own bases of existence. The industry is large, así, que no es libre para regular la producción.

Pues hace, por ejemplo, cincuenta años, si en cualquier rama industrial ocurría que se precisaba disminuir en un veinte por ciento su ritmo de producción, ello era tarea factible sin trastornos graves, retirando un número mayor o menor de obreros, que al minuto pasaba a ocupar otro puesto en otra actividad, o en otra industria diferente. Pero hoy, tal fenómeno adquiere inmediatas proporciones de catástrofe. En primer lugar, porque esos obreros despedidos no tienen dónde trabajar de nuevo, y en segundo, porque se proyectaría sobre la vida económica un peligro aún más hondo, con ser el del paro angustioso en extremo: el peligro stops to let machinery. This stopping of the large machinery, tooling very expensive large-scale industry is an accident of such magnitude, which plunges vertically entire economic mechanism. Do not forget that capitalism itself is, strictly speaking, that means holding machine. If they are stopped, the ruin is immediate and absolute, because its value eneorm, having been in the majority of large farms is purchased on credit, it is only in terms of permanent production.

But financial capital, with its fluidity caracterísitca is and appears linked to the most number of industrial production, and this in a simultaneous ie, by interference, which make it extremely sensitive to any crisis, regardless of the area where they arise. With the actions of a large company a different financing, with credit and financial volume of establishing beyond, and all this tissue comes to saving and small capitals via the banks and increased especualción stockbroker.

The economy of capitalism-owned large credit-mechanized and relies therefore on a hard drive, at the base are extremely dangerous contradictions. Private households, large and pqueños business, private wealth, and live at the expense of fragile reality.

In the ideal culmination of enrichment, is that picture. By adopting the men north, and start the ascent to his achievement as an individual, liberal, each with its own problems, their economy and their dreams, the consequence is that all bound to appear soon, pending the same dangers and playing the same card. Paradoxically, then, the liberal-bourgeois mentality, which began a period of individualistic economic revitalization, in which "everyone" was looking through free competition, build their own wealth, ending instead in a closed economic system where a entretejodo highly complex unites in a single body all the riches all.

RAMIRO LEDESMA RAMOS. Address to the youth of Spain. Chapter VII-The ideal of progressive enrichment


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