The Good Angel Alcazar de Velasco was good enough to be born in Mondéjar, Guadalajara in 1909 reaching the capital of Spain at the age of 9 years to work in a tavern that went to the School of Arts and Crafts by chance your employer. To finance their studies bullfighter was under the nom de guerre of Gitanillo Madrid. D. protection Miguel Primo de Rivera and Colonel Tarduchy Rodriguez made his situation was a little better off, in 1932 liceciándose Arts and withdrawing from bullfighting.
collaborated in the founding of the English Falange, always standing as a great squad. He was sent by José Antonio Asturias on the eve of the Revolution of 34 to find out the truth of the rumors about the coup prepared the left in the Principality. The reports sent were not believed by the government, which had been circulated Primo.
environments are introduced revolutionary and reciter of poetry, thus knowing they were getting weapons and ammunition to the mining, deposited in a funeral of which were distributed to the mining towns in the coffins produced. Upon entering the company and find out where weapons were stored spent report full details to the National. And started the revolutionary events, Angel, defended, along with military personnel, supplying water tanks Oviedo and in the defense of civil government with Panizo and Yela.
After the revolutionary events of 34, José Antonio was appointed Director of Press and Propaganda FE de las JONS.
The hoist was found imprisoned in the prison where he escaped passing Bilbao a national area where he collaborated in the creation of several national newspapers in Spain and he was being released. After the Unification decree dismissing the authority of Franco with other Falangists military rebellion being convicted and sentenced to death in a summary trial, having being commuted to life in prison, serving time at Fort San Cristobal and the Criminal Burgos two years, after which he would be pardoned.
was appointed Press Attaché at the English Embassy in Britain for Serrano, becoming part of the secret service and spying for the Axis powers, of which always was a great admirer. After the Second World War special envoy daily Evening in Buenos Aires as part of Eva Peron séquitode on his trip to Spain. Special flyer was sent Pyres agency, deputy managing editor at The Burladero taurine, deputy director of the political magazine Pie and author of several books on varied themes and style, as
- Always step. Book of poetry
- saw-sedge. Novel
- The Legionary. play.
- a Falangist papers. autobiographical novel.
- José Antonio to the shrine of the faith.
- the Falange Serrano
- The Spain of the Ortega
- History of the Temple of Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Martin Bormann Did not die in Berlin
- Essence of bullfighters do
- Marcial says
Lalanda - Completion
- Serranito, "The fate back
- Seven days Salamanca
- The Great Escape
- The style of killing
- Memoirs of a secret agent
Alcázar de Velasco died in Galapagos April 25, 2001. A Angel had the honor of being the first Silver Palm of the Falange in Madrid.
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